June 6, 2022 1:13 pm Adelaide Speedboat Club, Club Road, Gillman SA

 FOMsa presents


“Night of Champions”

Wednesday 5th October 7.30pm – 10.30pm

Adelaide Speedboat Club

Clubhouse Rd Gillman.

An evening spent with Motorsport Greats, Our MC Adrian Richards of Scammells Auction House will bring you an insight into the competitive world at the top of the guest’s chosen field of competition.

Our guests for the evening are the legend of historic motorcycle racing Murray Johnson, Isle of Mann sidecar racing legend Gavin Porteous and the man himself Jim Scaysbrook editor of Old Bike Australasia. We will also have an update on the FOMsa- SAHMRI PhD Medical Research Student Bursary Fund and how it impacted the research of the inaugural winner.

The night will be brought to you in an interview and Q&A format. A light supper ticket option is available, the tickets are limited so get in early.

Fundraising Raffle on the night

Two ticket categories

General admission ticket (includes first drink)  $30.00

Supper admission ticket (includes first drink & light supper) $40.00

All proceeds to the FOMsa-SAHMRI PhD Medical Research Student Bursary Fund.

Tickets sold    78

Tickets left     0


Ticket Type Price Cart
General Ticket $30 Tickets are sold out.
Supper Ticket $40 Tickets are sold out.